Please remember that tracking data can take up to 15 minutes to arrive. If you've waited longer than this and have still not received any data, please take the following steps:

If you are testing HiddenApp on macOS:

1. Please ensure your Mac is running macOS 10.6 or later, and you've installed the latest version of HiddenApp which can be downloaded from the Device Enrolment menu.

2. Check that HiddenApp has access to the necessary permissions on your computer. You can review the permissions and privacy control requests for each version of macOS here:

3. If HiddenApp is still not receiving data, either the network you are using to connect to the internet or a piece of software on your computer is preventing HiddenApp from communicating with us.

4. If you are using a 3G/4G internet dongle or you are connected to the internet via a large office or corporate network, please try testing Hidden from another location such as a home wifi network. Larger complex networks might be preventing HiddenApp from accessing the internet.

5. Please uninstall or disable any third party firewall or proxy software (such as Little Snitch) which may be preventing HiddenApp from connecting to the internet.

If you are testing HiddenApp on iOS:

1. Please ensure you have installed the latest version of HiddenApp from the App Store.

2. When installing HiddenApp you will be asked to allow HiddenApp to send you Push Notifications, access your location, and access your camera. It is vital that you accept ALL required permissions or HiddenApp will be unable to activate tracking.

3. If you are unsure, you can verify the status of Push Notifications for HiddenApp by navigating to Settings > Notification Center > HiddenApp and ensuring the alert style is set to 'Banners', Sounds are on (the switch is green), and 'Show on Lock Screen' is on.

If you are still not receiving tracking data after following the steps above, please contact us.

If you are testing HiddenApp on Windows:

1. Please ensure you are running Windows and you have the latest version of HiddenApp installed which you can download from the Device Enrolment menu.

2. In order for location to work, your devices should be connected via WIFI, and cannot be connected via ethernet.

3. Ensure no third party firewalls are installed and if they cannot be removed, ensure the settings are allowing HiddenApp to connect, same instance if connecting from a corporate or office network, ensure HiddenApp is allowed to connect.

4. Follow our article on how to obtain a log file and send to us for troubleshooting if the issue persists HERE.