To troubleshoot issues on the browser, we may have to replicate the issues with JS console open. Please use the instructions below to open JS console:

Google Chrome

Keyboard shortcuts to open the console

  • Windows/Linux: Press Control + Shift + J
  • Mac: Press Command + Option + J

Steps open the console

  • From the menu bar, click View
  • Scroll down to Developer
  • Click Javascript Console 

Microsoft Edge

Keyboard shortcuts to open the console

  • Windows/Linux: Press Control + Shift + J
  • Mac: Press Command + Option + J

Steps to open the console

  • From the menu bar, select Tools
  • Click Javascript Console


Keyboard shortcuts to open the console

  • Mac: Press Command + Option + J

Steps to open the console

  • From the menu bar, click Safari
  • Click Preferences
  • Click Security. Make sure the Enable Javascript checkbox is checked
  • Click Advanced 
  • Check the Show Develop menu in the menu bar checkbox
  • From the menu bar, click Develop
  • Click Show Javascript Console


Keyboard shortcuts to open the console

  • Windows/Linux: Press Control + Shift + K
  • Mac: Press Command + Option + K

Steps to open the console

  • From the menu bar, select Tools
  • Select Browser Tools
  • Select Web Developer Tools